AutoFormat your Blog for Apple’s iPhone

WordPress on Apple's iPhoneA beta version of the iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme has just been released. The plugin allows your WordPress blog to display properly on Apple’s iPhone. It detects the iPhone’s User AgentMozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A538a Safari/419 and displays the content with a specially formatted theme visible only to iPhone visitors. All other browsers will display your blog with your current theme.

Why bother using the plugin? According to the plugin’s author, “While Apple’s iPhone does an amazing job of displaying web pages the way they were designed to be seen, often visitors want quick access to your website’s content. The ‘iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme’ displays an optimized version of your blog’s content, formatted perfectly to fit the iPhone’s screen – no zooming in to read the content is necessary”.

Go to the plugin page and download the iWPhone WordPress Plugin and Theme. Before installing it, check that you are running WordPress 2.21. And of course, you will need an iPhone if you want to see it in action!

Don’t forget to tip the plugin author via PayPal! We must encourage the development of more excellent plugins such as this one.