Amazon UnSpun Widget Now Earns Referral Fees

UnSpunUnSpun by Amazon is an interactive community site that provides tools to reach a community consensus around ranking lists. Last April, Amazon announced a UnSpun widget on their Associates Blog. At that time, there was no way add an Associates ID to the items in the list so the widget has seen limited interest from bloggers.

The widget has just been updated specifically for Amazon Associates by making items in the widgets link directly to when they have an Amazon link on the corresponding UnSpun page. This means that Associates can now earn referral fees if site visitors visit from the widget. Also, if there is an item in the list that doesn’t have a link, you can go to the list page on UnSpun and add a link to an Amazon detail page. The item in the list will then link to Amazon.

An example is shown below. I chose the ‘Best Bob Dylan Albums’ List and went to the ‘Customize’ link. There, I entered an Associate ID and set the dimensions for the widget. The ‘Preview and Learn More’ link took me to a page where I reviewed the widget prior to using the code.The widget is designed for use in templates. If you wish to put it in a post or page, you need to use the AdSense Deluxe Plugin or equivalent..

Of course, you need to pick or generate a list that contains items found on